Resources for planning and recording the New Zealand Psychologists Board?s Continuing Competence Programme.

The Board remains committed to the CCP process, as developed and used over the first five years of its use, but has made major changes to the recording of the CCP steps. The recording required for the Board?s audit processes has been drastically simplified, to address the main criticism of the earlier system that it demanded time consuming written documentation. However the Board still expects that practitioners  will preserve the integrity of the CCP steps in discussion with their supervisor. In the event of being selected for audit, the supervisor and practitioner will be asked to sign a declaration that these steps have been followed. The objective of these changes is retain the helpful aspects  (providing a structured approach to maintaining competence with self-directed learning and using the supervisory relationship to provide a regular review) while minimising the unproductive drag-factor of recording the full discussion. 

In brief, the Board is still committed to keeping the CCP process of individuals conducting an annual  self-reflective review of their current competence against the core competencies  in order to identify areas of weakness in competence to inform the learning objectives for the year ahead (and to discuss this in supervision to get the feedback of the supervisor ), then to review progress on learning goals at the end of the CCP cycle.  The CCP recording should now be done in a log book, which will contain the following: 

  • The date of the self reflective review discussion in supervision.
  • The list of learning goals  that emerged from that discussion (optional to also include the learning plans).
  • The learning activity undertaken throughout the year.
  • The date that the discussion occurred when the progress on the learning goals was reviewed 

There are two optional templates that psychologists may choose to use for their log books: CCPLogBook OptionalTemplate 1 and CCPLogBook OptionalTemplate 2 (or see on the Board?s website). However the log book can be kept in any other form that suits the practitioner as long as the minimum information is recorded (that is, the list of bullet points above). 

As before, if you have uncertainty about what is required or a question, don't hesitate to contact Ann Connell on 04 471 4588  or by email: 

Supervisor-Facilitated CCP: Beginning of the Year Self-Reflective Review, Learning Objectives, and Learning Plans

This is the form described in Malcolm Stewart's article on Supervisor Facilitation of the Self-Reflective Review and Planning Phase of the NZ Psychologists Board Continuing Competence Programme (Journal of the New Zealand College of Clinical Psychologists, 25(2), 81-88). It is designed to be completed by the supervisor (with brief but hopefully relatively comprehensive notes) to record the supervisee's thoughts while the supervisee talks through their self-reflective review in the course of one supervision session. At the end of the session the supervisee takes the form away as their record of their self-reflective review. Please refer to the article for more information. Please feel free to use this form, and/or modify it to improve it and/or adjust for future changes in the CCP.