Wendy Faust - Psychologist
Bronwyn Trewin - Psychologist
Chelsea Richards - Psychologist
Paul Wedge - Psychologist
How Much Does it Cost To See a Clinical Psychologist?
Juliette Troy - Psychologist
Dominika Watts - Psychologist
Angus Maxwell - Psychologist
Kathryn Harvey - Psychologist
Pene Muir - Psychologist
2024 Otago University CBT Certificate course
Christopher Milton - Psychologist
Sarah Bell-Booth - Psychologist
Olivia Cassin - Psychologist
Sasha Gold - Psychologist
About the College
Martina Messenzehl - Psychologist
Kathy Orr - Psychologist
Heidi Snelson - Psychologist
Lucinda Reynolds - Psychologist
Kate Harris - Psychologist
Audrey McKinlay - Psychologist
Jasmine Harding - Psychologist
Ben Jaquiery - Psychologist
Helen Rowse - Psychologist