NZ Family Court Specialist Psychological Group.

     Family Court Report Writers Conference.

May 02 - 04 2024 at RYDGES, WELLINGTON

Advance notice: Keep the Dates

May 02 and 04: Days for Specialist Report Writers and those interested in this area of work only.  Discussions and presentations are CONFIDENTIAL to the group.  If you are an interested report writer, please contact us as below one of the presenters for more information.

May 03: conference including other people in the wider Family Court team – this is an open day to professionals.

Presenters on the 3rd May will be:

Professor Michael Saini, Factor-Inwentash Professor at University of Toronto. Professor Saini is a well-known researcher in post-parental separation child care and state-intervention with children and young people. He is also president-elect of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC). Professor Saini will do two presentations plus a question and answer session.

Professor Saini has also offered to make himself available outside of the Conference, he will be here about a week, for discussions, other meetings – whatever will enhance the work of Family Court professionals.

  • Professor Bruce Smyth, Australian National University, Canberra. Professor Smythe is a well-known researcher in family and social policy with recent research explorations of parental hatred, use of technology and apps in parenting and child sexual abuse.
  • Steven Bradley, Safety and Technology Expert Our Family Wizard is an expert in the of the uses and abuses of technology. He is an expert in how technology generated information (texts, emails, video clips) can be manipulated, and the harm that technology can do when family violence is an issue (stalking for example).

Please let us know if you would like to receive updates about the Conference. We are happy to provide further information, contact us on

Kate Burke, Sarah Calvert, Justine Croxen and Kath Orr. Convenors